Video Length: 33 minutes
Dr. Jan Scarlett presents Using Shelter Metrics to Measure and Set Goals at the 2011 ASPCA/Maddie's® Shelter Medicine MiniConference. Learn about what data you can get interesting information from and why it is important to collect data.
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Dr. Scarlett is a Professor of Epidemiology and the Director of Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University. In 2005, Dr. Scarlett led a team that launched a comprehensive shelter medicine program with residency training. Her current teaching and research interests focus on the prevention and control of diseases in animal shelters. She is also involved in the epidemiologic study of preventive factors for pet surplus in the United States including spay/neuter programs, pet trafficking, veterinary activities impacting relinquishment to animal shelters, and valid epidemiologic uses of shelter software programs.