Date | Type | Icon | Title | Title | Audience | topicslookup | species |
20210928 | Blog | blog | #HassInAction: LifeLine Animal Project thinks outside of the box to keep person and pup together |
#HassInAction: LifeLine Animal Project thinks outside of the box to keep person and pup togetherSeptember 28, 2021This post originally ran September 2020. With the animal welfare movement constantly evolving and transitioning to meet the needs of people and their pets, animal shelter and rescue organizations are realizing they may need to think outside of the box to find ways to best serve their communities. One organization in particular, LifeLine Animal Project in Atlanta, GA,… |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,, | |
20201119 | Blog | blog | No challenge was too big for this Pet Foster Stimulus Grant recipient in New Jersey |
No challenge was too big for this Pet Foster Stimulus Grant recipient in New JerseyNovember 19, 2020When Covid-19 hit Plainfield Area Humane Society (PAHS) in Plainfield, NJ, their animal shelter population was higher than usual. They had 70 additional dogs and cats on top of their normal population, due to a hoarding case. Thankfully when they put out the call to their community, they experienced an increase in both foster caregivers and adoptions.… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1042,, | |
20200923 | Webcast | webcast | Supporting Both Ends of the Leash |
Supporting Both Ends of the LeashGeraldine D'Silva, Janet Hoy-Gerlach, Aimee St.Arnaud and Derrick PrioleauSeptember 23, 2020Learn how a private veterinary practice is partnering with human health care and social workers in unique ways to support people and their pets. |
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20200922 | Blog | blog | Learn about access to veterinary care from the expert himself, Dr. Blackwell |
Learn about access to veterinary care from the expert himself, Dr. BlackwellSeptember 22, 2020Now, more than ever, low income families are struggling to find access to veterinary care due to COVID-19. Learn more about this important topic from Access to Care expert and the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award recipient, Dr. Michael J. Blackwell, in the recorded webcast, Access to Care: A National Family Crisis. In the webcast, Dr.… |
e,v | topic1000, | |
20200917 | Blog | blog | Meet the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award recipient! |
Meet the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award recipient!September 17, 2020We're thrilled to announce that the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award goes to Dr. Michael J. Blackwell for his outstanding leadership and purposeful dedication to honor the human-animal bond. The award is named after Rich Avanzino, the father of the no-kill movement and Maddie's Fund President from 1999 – 2015. This award recognizes significant achievement and… |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1000, | |
20200903 | Blog | blog | #HassInAction: Dallas Animal Services gets creative to provide additional services to their community |
#HassInAction: Dallas Animal Services gets creative to provide additional services to their communitySeptember 3, 2020Dallas Animal Services (DAS), a Tier 1 pilot shelter in the Human Animal Support Services (HASS) coalition, has recently created a few exciting tools that shows HASS in action. In this guest post, Leah Backo, Public Information Coordinator, shares three HASS examples to spark some inspiration for other animal welfare organizations. Created a COVID-19 pet… |
e,s | topic1000,topic1020,topic1036,, | |
20200903 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Going Home |
Million Cat Challenge: Going HomeDr. Sara Pizano, DVMSeptember 3, 2020Learn how to take your matchmaking game from the adoption floor to the worldwide web. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1024,topic1028,topic1029,topic1041,topic1043, | cats |
20200827 | Blog | blog | #HassInAction: Bringing veterinary care to meet families where they are |
#HassInAction: Bringing veterinary care to meet families where they areAugust 27, 2020One thing that has been reinforced during COVID-19, is how powerful the transformational love of a pet is, especially during tough times. Animal welfare organizations all across the nation are shifting to a more community-centric model of animal sheltering. LifeLine Animal Project in Atlanta, GA, has focused on providing solutions to the community to help… |
e,s,v | topic1000, | |
20200827 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Kitten Care in the Shelter |
Million Cat Challenge: Kitten Care in the ShelterAugust 27, 2020In this webinar, we'll go inside the shelter to find out what's new in the world of kitten care, pathway planning, wellness, and pediatric spay/neuter. |
topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033, | cats | |
20200827 | Article | article | Maddie Talks: Video Examples |
Maddie Talks: Video ExamplesJanuary 2017
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20200820 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Foster Greatness |
Million Cat Challenge: Foster GreatnessDr. Sara Pizano, DVMAugust 20, 2020If you'd like to recruit, train and onboard volunteers quicker, better, faster, then grab your foster coordinators and a seat in this action-packed webinar now. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1029, | cats |
20200813 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Support for Kittens in the Field |
Million Cat Challenge: Support for Kittens in the FieldJulie Levy, Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Heather Kennedy and Nick LippincottAugust 13, 2020Find out what field officers, volunteers and fosters are doing to give kittens the best chance of survival while streamlining operations and expanding safety nets outside shelter walls. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033, | cats |
20200812 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Navigating Anesthetic Drug Shortages in Shelters After COVID |
Million Cat Challenge: Navigating Anesthetic Drug Shortages in Shelters After COVIDDr. Sheilah Robertson and Dr. Sarah KirkAugust 12, 2020In this webcast, you'll learn what your organization needs to know to provide spay/neuter and veterinary care in a time of COVID. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1033,topic1047,topic1048, | cats |
20200624 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: COVID Control Strategies - Maintaining Safety During Re-Opening and Beyond |
Million Cat Challenge: COVID Control Strategies - Maintaining Safety During Re-Opening and BeyondLinda Jacobson, DVM, Julie Levy, DVM, PhD, Jennifer Murphy and Phil Nichols, RVT, CAWAJune 24, 2020Re-opening shelters and services brings the risk of COVID-19 resurgence. This webcast will provide a roadmap for reopening that can be customized for shelters and clinics everywhere. |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1020,topic1029,topic1038, | cats |
20200618 | Webcast | webcast | Supporting and Engaging Foster Caregivers During COVID-19 |
Supporting and Engaging Foster Caregivers During COVID-19Kelly Duer and Lea WilliamsJune 18, 2020This 60-minute webcast will teach you how to support your fosters and keep them coming back for more! |
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20200604 | Webcast | webcast | Caring from Across Town: Practical Telehealth for Shelters & Clinics |
Caring from Across Town: Practical Telehealth for Shelters & ClinicsDr. Michael (Mike) Greenberg, Brenton Minish, Julie Ryan-Johnson, DVM, Aimee St.Arnaud and Beth HarrisonJune 4, 2020Come learn more about the telehealth landscape and how best to implement this tool in your shelter or clinic. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1024,topic1028,topic1033, | |
20200527 | Webcast | webcast | Ideas for Safely Offering Spay/Neuter and Wellness: Q&A session |
Ideas for Safely Offering Spay/Neuter and Wellness: Q&A sessionJennifer Bolser, DVM, Natalie Corwin, Melanie deHaan, DVM, Cynthia (Cindy) Karsten, DVM, Cate Lemmond and Aimee St.ArnaudMay 27, 2020Join this discussion on how can we do spay/neuter in a manner that is safe for staff, clients and animals in this new "normal". |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1028,topic1038,topic1044, | |
20200430 | Webcast | webcast | Boots on the Ground: Caring for COVID-19 Exposed Pets in Shelters |
Boots on the Ground: Caring for COVID-19 Exposed Pets in SheltersSandra Newbury, DVM, Director of University of Wisconsin Shelter Medicine Program and Associate Professor at University of Wisconsin Shelter Medicine Program and School of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Medical SciencesApril 30, 2020Join Dr. Sandra Newbury, Director of University of Wisconsin's Shelter Medicine Program, for practical guidance for essential shelter workers caring for pets who have been exposed to COVID-19. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033, | dogs |
20200429 | Webcast | webcast | COVID-19 Spay/neuter and Vaccine Clinic Preparedness Guide |
COVID-19 Spay/neuter and Vaccine Clinic Preparedness GuideAimee St.Arnaud, Elizabeth Berliner, Jennifer Bolser, Gina Clemmer, Natalie Corwin and Cynthia (Cindy) KarstenApril 29, 2020Learn how to follow social distancing guidelines while safely performing spay/neuter surgeries. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1039, | |
20200414 | Article | article | Telehealth |
TelehealthDr. Michael (Mike) Greenberg, DVM, Director of Outreach Programs, Maddie's FundApril 2020What is the difference between telehealth, telemedicine, teletriage, etc.? Understanding the differences between these terms is key to understanding the field, particularly as it relates to the legal questions that a lot of us have. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1000, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Imagining the Future of Animal Welfare |
Imagining the Future of Animal WelfareKristen Hassen-Auerbach, Rebecca Guinn and Marc PeraltaFebruary 2020Hear from some of the most influential voices in animal welfare as they imagine what the future holds for homeless pets. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1011,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | A Radical Rethinking of the Role of Animal Welfare |
A Radical Rethinking of the Role of Animal WelfareFebruary 2020Inspiring thoughts on what animals deserve from animal welfare advocates, workers and volunteers. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Animal Shelter and Rescue Law and Liability |
Animal Shelter and Rescue Law and LiabilityRyan Clinton, Attorney, Founder of FixAustin.orgApril 2020Ryan Clinton teaches the foundations of various animal welfare ordinances and what they mean for your organization. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1030,topic1038, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Statewide Advocacy |
Statewide AdvocacyRyan Clinton, Laura Donahue and Katie JarlApril 2020Learn from expert advocates as they share their success stories for state-wide efforts to transform to No Kill. |
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20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Public Safety and Lifesaving ARE Compatible |
Public Safety and Lifesaving ARE CompatibleMarc Peralta, Senior Director, National Mission Advancement, Best Friends Animal Society and Ed Jamison, Director, Dallas Animal ServicesApril 2020Join Marc Peralta and Edward Jamison to hear about the increases and impact they have seen in public safety, when lifesaving takes priority. |
e,f,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1007,topic1008,topic1020,topic1024,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Leading Through Relationships: Friends Who Can Effect Change |
Leading Through Relationships: Friends Who Can Effect ChangeLaura Donahue, Tawny Hammond and Katie JarlApril 2020Learn how to put No Kill on your community's public policy agenda. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | 50 Ways to Keep Pets Out of the Shelter (or maybe 100) |
50 Ways to Keep Pets Out of the Shelter (or maybe 100)Michael Greenberg, DVM, Director of Outreach Programs, Maddie's Fund® and Lisa Ward, Director of Education, Maddie's FundApril 2020Learn some amazing ways shelters have come up with to serve the people and pets in their communities in ways other than simply taking them into the shelter |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Shelter Medicine with a No-Kill Mindset |
Shelter Medicine with a No-Kill MindsetAlexis Bardzinski, DVM and Jennifer Wilcox, DVMApril 2020Learn how to spend the least amount of money possible, to spread the meager wealth of medical resources and save more lives. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Our Most Vulnerable Creatures: Disease in Puppies and Kittens |
Our Most Vulnerable Creatures: Disease in Puppies and KittensAlexis Bardzinski, Casandra Mensing, Jordana Moerbe and Faith WrightApril 2020Leave this session with the knowledge necessary to fight disease outbreak, without unnecessary deaths or culling of puppies and kittens. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20191024 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2 |
Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, Arizona & Sheila Segurson, DVM, DACVB, Director of Research, Maddie's FundOctober 24, 2019Part 2: The Challenges of Saving Medium and Large Dogs in Shelters. This webcast is the second in a two-part series but can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives. |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1014,topic1015,topic1018,topic1033,topic1034,topic1048, | dogs |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Practical Aspects of Dentistry in Shelter Pets |
Practical Aspects of Dentistry in Shelter PetsSandra Manfra-Marretta, DVM, DACVS, DAVDC, Professor Emerita, Small Animal Surgery and Dentistry, University of Illinois College of Veterinary MedicineJuly 2019This workshop will focus on the practical aspects of dentistry in shelter pets. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | The Basics on Basic Veterinary Care |
The Basics on Basic Veterinary CareLori Bierbrier, DVMJuly 2019This workshop uses the ASPCA Primary Pet Care program as a case study for how to incorporate affordable and accessible preventive and basic veterinary care into your organization. It was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Soft Tissue Surgery Tips & Tricks for the Shelter Vet |
Soft Tissue Surgery Tips & Tricks for the Shelter VetGalina Hayes, DVM, PhD, DACVS, DACVECC, Assistant Professor, Section of Small Animal Surgery, Cornell University College of Veterinary MedicineJuly 2019The goal of this lecture is to discuss and to provide some helpful pointers on performing various non-spay/neuter procedures. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Putting Down the Scalpel: Learning to Lead as a Doctor & Manager |
Putting Down the Scalpel: Learning to Lead as a Doctor & ManagerKatie Broaddus, DVM, CAWA, Chief Operations Officer, Austin Humane SocietyJuly 2019This session will help veterinarians understand how they can leverage their scientific training and problem-solving skills to make an even bigger impact. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | How to Get the Most Out of Your Radiographs |
How to Get the Most Out of Your RadiographsErin Epperly, DVM, DACVR, Assistant Clinical Professor, Section of Diagnostic Imaging, Cornell University College of Veterinary MedicineJuly 2019A case-based, interactive session full of practical pointers to make your time in radiography more effective and efficient. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Ringworm for LVTs: Fight the Fungus |
Ringworm for LVTs: Fight the FungusMelanie Benetato, VMD, MS, Adoption Center, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop reviews current best practices in ringworm diagnosis, treatment and management in a shelter setting. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1008,topic1038,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047, | cats |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Beyond Spay/Neuter: Models for Expanding Access to Veterinary Care |
Beyond Spay/Neuter: Models for Expanding Access to Veterinary CareJocelyn Kessler, MBA, Senior Director of Operations, Community Medicine, ASPCA and Lori Bierbrier, DVM, ASPCAJuly 2019Join us to look inside organizations who have expanded their services to help remove barriers to care in their communities. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e | topic1000,topic1004,topic1024,topic1033,topic1038,topic1039,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Beyond Just Kittens: Strategic & Creative Use of Foster Care |
Beyond Just Kittens: Strategic & Creative Use of Foster CareErin Doyle, DVM, DABVP, Senior Director of Shelter Medicine, ASPCAJuly 2019In this workshop, the presenter reviews the basics of maintaining an organized, proactive foster network and then delve into examples of how organizations are using foster care in thoughtful and creative ways. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1011,topic1014,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Gentle Handling: Techniques to Reduce Stress & Save Time |
Gentle Handling: Techniques to Reduce Stress & Save TimeErin Doyle, DVM, DABVP, Senior Director of Shelter Medicine, ASPCAJuly 2019Learn techniques for handling the animals in our care in a low-stress, gentle manner. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
f,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1033,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Local, State and Federal Animal Response Capabilities in a Disaster |
Local, State and Federal Animal Response Capabilities in a DisasterTim Perciful, Disaster Response Manager, Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019This talk discusses the major findings from three major surveys and how those results may guide local jurisdictions in determining and enhancing animal response capabilities. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
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