Date | Type | Icon | Title | Title | Audience | topicslookup | species |
20200812 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Navigating Anesthetic Drug Shortages in Shelters After COVID |
Million Cat Challenge: Navigating Anesthetic Drug Shortages in Shelters After COVIDDr. Sheilah Robertson and Dr. Sarah KirkAugust 12, 2020In this webcast, you'll learn what your organization needs to know to provide spay/neuter and veterinary care in a time of COVID. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1033,topic1047,topic1048, | cats |
20200618 | Webcast | webcast | Supporting and Engaging Foster Caregivers During COVID-19 |
Supporting and Engaging Foster Caregivers During COVID-19Kelly Duer and Lea WilliamsJune 18, 2020This 60-minute webcast will teach you how to support your fosters and keep them coming back for more! |
e,f,s | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Data for Activists: Get the Information You Need |
Data for Activists: Get the Information You NeedRory Adams, Content Manager, American Pets Alive!April 2020Leave this presentation knowing what data you need and how to get it, through the use of public information requests. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1028,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | What Qualities Do Emerging Leaders Need to Succeed? |
What Qualities Do Emerging Leaders Need to Succeed?Tawny Hammond, National Director for Leadership Advancement, Best Friends Animal Society and Denise Deisler, Director, Jacksonville Humane SocietyApril 2020This presentation outlines a foundation for understanding how to cultivate the leadership abilities that will enable your or your staff to reach their highest potential. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | How to Get Your Story Told: Effective Engagement with Local Media |
How to Get Your Story Told: Effective Engagement with Local MediaSarah Collica, Director of Marketing and Communications, Austin Pets Alive! and Nikki Reck, Communications Specialist, Pima Animal Care CenterApril 2020Learn how to cultivate relationships with news sources and tips and tricks from a marketing director and an Emmy-Award winning newscaster. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1025,topic1038,topic1041,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Adopters Are Out There! Market Your Way Out of Space Crises |
Adopters Are Out There! Market Your Way Out of Space CrisesTeresa Johnson, CEO/Executive Officer and Chief Lifesaving Officer, Kansas City Pet Project and Cheryl Schneider, Director of Animal Services, Williamson County Regional Animal ShelterApril 2020Learn how adopters can be your biggest lifesavers when your shelter is experiencing space crises. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1028,topic1038,topic1041,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Statewide Advocacy |
Statewide AdvocacyRyan Clinton, Laura Donahue and Katie JarlApril 2020Learn from expert advocates as they share their success stories for state-wide efforts to transform to No Kill. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1020,topic1024,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Moving Through Adversity |
Moving Through AdversityKristen Hassen-Auerbach and Paula PowellApril 2020This session will shed light on the last 2 years as Paula Powell fights for animals and the people who love them. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1033,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Empowering Volunteers to Help Solve Every Challenge |
Empowering Volunteers to Help Solve Every ChallengeMonica Dangler, Maddie's Fund® Executive Leadership Fellow, Pima Animal Care CenterApril 2020Learn how to create a volunteer program that works to the specific needs of your rescue, shelter or community. |
e,s,v | topic1038,topic1041,topic1044,topic1045,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Build Resilience and Excitement Around Change |
Build Resilience and Excitement Around ChangeShelly Thompson, Tawny Hammond, Cheryl Schneider, Teresa Johnson and Lee Ann ShenefielApril 2020Shelly Thompson moderates this panel to help you get the insider tips on how to cultivate a team of resilience and build strong teams that will rally around you. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1024,topic1038,topic1044,topic1045,topic1046,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | No Kill Advocacy |
No Kill AdvocacyRyan Clinton, Attorney and Founder, FixAustin.orgApril 2020Learn how animal advocates in Austin, Texas, put no-kill on the City's public-policy agenda, and how you can do the same for your community. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Daily Decision Making and Accountability: Identifying Key Performance Indicators |
Daily Decision Making and Accountability: Identifying Key Performance IndicatorsMark Sloat, Program Manager, Field Services, Austin Animal Center and Don Bland, Chief Animal Services Officer, Austin Animal CenterApril 2020Learn what it means to set KPIs and goals to instill an organizational lifesaving philosophy. |
topic1004,topic1028,topic1038,topic1039,topic1040,topic1044,topic1048, | ||
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Leading Through Relationships: Friends Who Can Effect Change |
Leading Through Relationships: Friends Who Can Effect ChangeLaura Donahue, Tawny Hammond and Katie JarlApril 2020Learn how to put No Kill on your community's public policy agenda. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Get Your Boss to Say Yes!: Piloting New Programs in Shelters |
Get Your Boss to Say Yes!: Piloting New Programs in SheltersKristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director, Pima Animal Care CenterApril 2020Follow these steps and be ready to take a new idea to your boss and hear 'yes!' |
e,s,v | topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | The Leader's Guide to Communicating with Stakeholders: How, When and What |
The Leader's Guide to Communicating with Stakeholders: How, When and WhatStephanie Bilbro, Director, Shelter Lifesaving Operations, Austin Pets Alive! and Sarah Collica, Director of Marketing and Communications, Austin Pets Alive!April 2020Learn how to own your narrative and communicate your vision with major stakeholders. |
e,s,v | topic1024,topic1038,topic1041,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Our Vet Just Quit |
Our Vet Just QuitAlexis Bardzinski, DVM and Jennifer Wilcox, DVMApril 2020Learn how to stretch the resources you do have to save the most lives possible, even in high-stress moments in your shelter or clinic. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Shelter Medicine with a No-Kill Mindset |
Shelter Medicine with a No-Kill MindsetAlexis Bardzinski, DVM and Jennifer Wilcox, DVMApril 2020Learn how to spend the least amount of money possible, to spread the meager wealth of medical resources and save more lives. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Our Most Vulnerable Creatures: Disease in Puppies and Kittens |
Our Most Vulnerable Creatures: Disease in Puppies and KittensAlexis Bardzinski, Casandra Mensing, Jordana Moerbe and Faith WrightApril 2020Leave this session with the knowledge necessary to fight disease outbreak, without unnecessary deaths or culling of puppies and kittens. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Neonatal Kittens Q & A |
Neonatal Kittens Q & ARosemarie Crawford and Casandra MensingApril 2020Listen in with expert kitten lifesavers as they answer questions about neonatal kitten care, including disease treatment and prevention. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1008,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | cats |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | Contagious Disease is Not a Death Sentence: How Communities Overcame Outbreaks without Killing |
Contagious Disease is Not a Death Sentence: How Communities Overcame Outbreaks without KillingJennifer Wilcox, DVM and Nipuni Ratnayaka, DVMApril 2020Leave this session with the knowledge necessary to fight disease outbreak, medically and operationally from veterinarians who have lived through it. |
e,f,p,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1033,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake & Animal Flow Process |
The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake & Animal Flow ProcessJordana Moerbe, Faith Wright and Dr. Nipuni RatnayakaApril 2020Join American Pets Alive! as they discuss what should happen within the first 72 hours after an animal enters any sheltering system. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1039,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | The Future of Animal Shelter Data |
The Future of Animal Shelter DataKristen Hassen- Auerbach, Sarah Aguilar and Elena BattlesApril 2020As sheltering evolves, we face an evolving set of challenges. Learn what experts in the field of animal shelter data collection are suggesting. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | ACOs Gone Wild: Handling Fearful and Fractious Wildlife and Companion Animals |
ACOs Gone Wild: Handling Fearful and Fractious Wildlife and Companion AnimalsApril Moore and Mike WheelerApril 2020Learn animal control officers' tips and tricks for humanely handling even the stickiest situations with fearful and fractious animals. |
s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1011,topic1015,topic1018,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20191211 | Webcast | webcast | Ergonomics for Shelter Veterinarians |
Ergonomics for Shelter VeterinariansSara White, DVM, MSc, Founder, ErgovetDecember 11, 2019Due to unforeseen circumstances, we're rescheduling this webcast for Wednesday, December 11 at 12pm PST / 3pm EST. We apologize for this inconvenience and invite you to register for the new date. Working with animals can be intensely physical work. Many veterinarians experience musculoskeletal discomfort (MSD) related to their work, and good physical ergonomics can improve this situation. Ergonomics includes much more than the gadgets that many associate with the term or keeping a "good posture" while you work. |
e,s,v | topic1024,topic1025,topic1038,topic1039,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20191113 | Webcast | webcast | Return to Field you say? Tell that to my community/commissioners! |
Return to Field you say? Tell that to my community/commissioners!Kate Hurley, DVM, MPVM Co-founder, Million Cat Challenge and Director, Koret Shelter Medicine Program @UC Davis School of Veterinary MedicineNovember 13, 2019Does your county worry about the optics of having ACOs putting cats back where they came from? In this webinar, we invite you to partake in a little old-fashioned role reversal where YOU get to be on the other side of the counter. |
e,v | topic1038,topic1039,topic1041,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20191024 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2 |
Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, Director of Animal Services Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, Arizona & Sheila Segurson, DVM, DACVB, Director of Research, Maddie's FundOctober 24, 2019Part 2: The Challenges of Saving Medium and Large Dogs in Shelters. This webcast is the second in a two-part series but can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives. |
e,p,s,v | topic1000,topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1014,topic1015,topic1018,topic1033,topic1034,topic1048, | dogs |
20190719 | Video | video | Decreasing Intake with Targeted Community Engagement |
Decreasing Intake with Targeted Community EngagementJuly 19, 2019Watch how the Austin Animal Center used their intake data to find ways to reduce ever-increasing incoming strays. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1028,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Putting Down the Scalpel: Learning to Lead as a Doctor & Manager |
Putting Down the Scalpel: Learning to Lead as a Doctor & ManagerKatie Broaddus, DVM, CAWA, Chief Operations Officer, Austin Humane SocietyJuly 2019This session will help veterinarians understand how they can leverage their scientific training and problem-solving skills to make an even bigger impact. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Using Metrics to Care for Shelter Populations |
Using Metrics to Care for Shelter PopulationsJanet Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhD, Professor Emerita of Epidemiology/ Founder of Shelter Medicine Program, Cornell UniversityJuly 2019In this session, disease surveillance, and the assessment of the frequency of common diseases in shelters are discussed. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s | topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1028,topic1038,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Developing A Shelter Emergency Operation Plan |
Developing A Shelter Emergency Operation PlanTim Perciful, Disaster Response Manager, Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop discusses the importance of developing an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for your agency. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s | topic1004,topic1009,topic1020,topic1038,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Toolkit for the Time-Starved Leader: A Practical Guide to Hiring and Retaining Engaged Employees |
Toolkit for the Time-Starved Leader: A Practical Guide to Hiring and Retaining Engaged EmployeesJocelyn Kessler, MBA, Senior Director of Operations, Community Medicine, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop provides a clear and simple path hiring the right people, setting goals and expectations and spending worthwhile one-on-one time with your staff. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e | topic1038,topic1044,topic1045,topic1046,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Change Can Be Fun! A Simple, Proven Framework Can Help Take the Pain Out of Change |
Change Can Be Fun! A Simple, Proven Framework Can Help Take the Pain Out of ChangeJocelyn Kessler, MBA, Senior Director of Operations, Community Medicine, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop walks viewers through a change management model based on research published in the Harvard Business Review. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e | topic1038,topic1044,topic1045,topic1046,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | How to Get Things Done with the NYS Legislature! The Good, the Bad & the Money!! |
How to Get Things Done with the NYS Legislature! The Good, the Bad & the Money!!Libby Post, Executive Director, NYS Animal Protection FederationJuly 2019Join the New York State Animal Protection Federation's Executive Director, Libby Post for the answers to these questions and more. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e | topic1020,topic1021,topic1032,topic1038,topic1041,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Beyond Spay/Neuter: Models for Expanding Access to Veterinary Care |
Beyond Spay/Neuter: Models for Expanding Access to Veterinary CareJocelyn Kessler, MBA, Senior Director of Operations, Community Medicine, ASPCA and Lori Bierbrier, DVM, ASPCAJuly 2019Join us to look inside organizations who have expanded their services to help remove barriers to care in their communities. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e | topic1000,topic1004,topic1024,topic1033,topic1038,topic1039,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Cash and Counting: The Importance of Data in Grantmaking |
Cash and Counting: The Importance of Data in GrantmakingJodi Buckman, ASPCA and Shelly Thompson, Maddie's FundJuly 2019In this session you'll hear from two grant makers, Maddie's Fund® and the ASPCA, about the importance of data in grant evaluation and funding decisions. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e | topic1020,topic1022,topic1024,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1042,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Win-Win: Building Shelter & Private Veterinarian Collaborations |
Win-Win: Building Shelter & Private Veterinarian CollaborationsKatie Broaddus, DVM, CAWA, Chief Operations Officer, Austin Humane SocietyJuly 2019This workshop helps viewers better understand and address the perspectives of shelters and private practice veterinarians. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1020,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1037,topic1043,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Making Better Use of Shelter Data |
Making Better Use of Shelter DataJanet Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhD, Professor Emerita of Epidemiology/ Founder of Shelter Medicine Program, Cornell UniversityJuly 2019In this workshop, we look at examples of where data can be used to help control overcrowding, maximize the use of shelter housing, monitor the effectiveness of spay/neuter programs, detect shifts in the health of incoming community animals, improve the welfare of fostered animals and target efforts to improve outcomes. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1028,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Personnel Satisfaction - Managing Compassion Stress (Part 2 of 2) |
Personnel Satisfaction - Managing Compassion Stress (Part 2 of 2)Karen Walsh, CAWA, LVMT, CFE, Director of Animal Relocation, ASPCAJuly 2019Part 2 of 2. During this two-part workshop, viewers learn how to measure the negative and positive effects of working in a mission driven caring profession. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s,v | topic1038,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Ringworm: the Role of Staff and Volunteers in Fighting the Fungus |
Ringworm: the Role of Staff and Volunteers in Fighting the FungusMelanie Benetato, VMD, MS, Adoption Center, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop reviews current best practices in ringworm diagnosis, treatment and management in a shelter setting. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
f,s,v | topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1014,topic1033,topic1044,topic1045,topic1048, | cats |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Capacity for Care & Population Management |
Capacity for Care & Population ManagementLena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice), Clinical Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine, Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program, Cornell University College of Veterinary MedicineJuly 2019In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your potential as a life-saving organization by understanding your limits and expanding your expectations. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Overview of ASPCA Field Investigations & Response and the Nuts and Bolts of Animals in Distress-Disasters |
Overview of ASPCA Field Investigations & Response and the Nuts and Bolts of Animals in Distress-DisastersDick Green, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop provides a brief history of the ASPCA Field Investigations & Response Team (FIR) and discusses the history of animal rescue and how an emergency becomes a disaster. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1020,topic1024,topic1026,topic1033,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Medical Issues in Emergency Sheltering |
Medical Issues in Emergency ShelteringElise Gingrich, DVM, MPH, MS, ACVPM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice), Senior Director of Shelter Medicine Services, ASPCAJuly 2019In this workshop, Dr. Gingrich covers some of the more challenging medical issues unique to animals impacted by disaster. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1024,topic1026,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Innovations in Emergency Animal Sheltering |
Innovations in Emergency Animal ShelteringJoe Hinkle, CAWA, Shelter Director, Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019In this session, the presenter discusses lessons learned and best practices from recent ASPCA emergency shelters with an emphasis on what your agency should be doing now to prepare for setting up and staffing an emergency shelter. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1011,topic1024,topic1026,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | 2018 Year of Disasters in Review |
2018 Year of Disasters in ReviewDick Green, PhD, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019In this talk, Dr. Green provides key take-home lessons learned and best practices so that communities and animal welfare agencies will have more tools to enhance animal response capabilities and become more disaster resilient. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1011,topic1018,topic1024,topic1026,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Local, State and Federal Animal Response Capabilities in a Disaster |
Local, State and Federal Animal Response Capabilities in a DisasterTim Perciful, Disaster Response Manager, Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019This talk discusses the major findings from three major surveys and how those results may guide local jurisdictions in determining and enhancing animal response capabilities. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,s,v | topic1000,topic1004,topic1024,topic1026,topic1028,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | An Introduction to Maddie's® Pet Project in Nevada Leadership Conference and Campaign Update |
An Introduction to Maddie's® Pet Project in Nevada Leadership Conference and Campaign UpdateDiane Blankenburg, Co-Executive Director, Maddie's® Pet Project in Nevada CEO, Humane NetworkMay 2019At Maddie's® Pet Project in Nevada, Diane Blankenburg, Co-executive Director, welcomes conference attendees and shows inspiring highlights. |
e | topic1020,topic1024,topic1025,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Keynote: Unstoppable! Leveraging Impact and Relationships to Transform the Plight of Animals |
Keynote: Unstoppable! Leveraging Impact and Relationships to Transform the Plight of AnimalsJoe Elmore, CEO, Charleston Animal SocietyMay 2019Building a culture of champions from a culture of advocates is critical to establishing a foundation for these strategies. |
e | topic1024,topic1025,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Keynote: Rethinking the Shelter's Role in Community Cat Management |
Keynote: Rethinking the Shelter's Role in Community Cat ManagementKate Hurley, Director, UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, Million Cat Challenge May 2019This presentation will provide the "why" and "how" of successful strategies for community cat management. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1048, | cats |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Cultivating a Fostering Community |
Cultivating a Fostering CommunityKelly Duer, Foster Care Specialist, Maddie's Fund®May 2019In this presentation, you'll learn how to create a culture of fostering in your community and recruit the foster caregivers you need. |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1023,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Compassionate Lifesaving: Taking Care of You and Your Team to Save More Animals, Part 1 of 2 |
Compassionate Lifesaving: Taking Care of You and Your Team to Save More Animals, Part 1 of 2Dr. Linda Harper and Faith MaloneyMay 2019In this session (Part 1 of 2), you will discover proactive tools to help you and your team face the challenges and restore the joy in your animal-helping organization. |
e,s | topic1024,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Compassionate Lifesaving: Taking Care of You and Your Team to Save More Animals, Part 2 of 2 |
Compassionate Lifesaving: Taking Care of You and Your Team to Save More Animals, Part 2 of 2Linda Harper and Faith MaloneyMay 2019In this session (Par 2 of 2), you will discover proactive tools to help you and your team face the challenges and restore the joy in your animal-helping organization. |
e,s,v | topic1020,topic1024,topic1038,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190515 | Webcast | webcast | A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal Shelters |
A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal SheltersDr. Sara PizanoWednesday, May 15, 2019In this webcast. Dr. Sara Pizano will walk you through the steps each shelter, whether public or private and regardless of resources, can take to help and save more cats and dogs. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Solutions for the Top Five Reasons Dogs are Dying in Shelters |
Solutions for the Top Five Reasons Dogs are Dying in SheltersMike Kaviani, Director, Orange County Animal Care and Aaron Caldwell, Dog Behavior Co-Manager, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019The presentation will provide you with practical and manageable solutions for the top five reasons dogs are dying and being killed in shelters today. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1008,topic1011,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1048, | dogs |
20190430 | Presentation | presentation | Save Lives in Space Crises |
Save Lives in Space CrisesMichele Figueroa, Christi Metropole and Faith WrightMarch 2019Learn how to not end lives due to temporary space shortages by pulling other levers that will decrease the pressure that you feel. |
e,p,s | topic1,topic15,topic32,topic37,topic42,topic46,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic50,topic86,topic89,topic90,topic93,topic97,topic1001,topic1033,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1046,topic1036,topic1044,topic1001,topic1003,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190415 | Presentation | presentation | Becoming No-kill |
Becoming No-killRyan Clinton, Attorney and Founder, FixAustin.orgMarch 2019Join attorney Ryan Clinton, founder of Fix Austin, as he kicks off the conference by sharing the obstacles, challenges, successes, and strategies that Austin faced on their journey to no-kill. |
e,s | topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic48,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190123 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Cats, Birds, and Animal Shelters: Seeking Common Ground |
Million Cat Challenge: Cats, Birds, and Animal Shelters: Seeking Common GroundKate Hurley, DVM, MPVM January 23, 2019In this presentation, Dr. Kate Hurley, Director of the U.C. Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, will explore the real-life implications of various policies proposed to balance the needs of cats and birds. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | cats |
20190117 | Video | video | Maddie Talk: Cat Town, Oakland CA |
Maddie Talk: Cat Town, Oakland CAJanuary 17, 2019
e,p,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic6,topic12,topic15,topic25,topic29,topic35,topic46,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic52,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1033,topic1034,topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1033,topic1035,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1048, | cats |
20181206 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Accelerate your Lifesaving: How to go from 50 to 90 (Percent Live Release Rate) Really Fast |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Accelerate your Lifesaving: How to go from 50 to 90 (Percent Live Release Rate) Really FastDr. Kim SandersThursday, December 6, 2018Learn how to implement lifesaving programs that will take your facility from a save rate of 50% to over 90% in a very short period of time. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1008,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1048, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | What's Next? Improving Welfare in Your Community with Limited Resources |
What's Next? Improving Welfare in Your Community with Limited ResourcesCarolyn R. Brown and Jocelyn KesslerDecember 2018This workshop helps you to identify the needs of your community and discover how to maximize your resources and incorporate affordable and accessible preventive and basic veterinary care into your organization. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic12,topic36,topic42,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic51,topic52,topic57,topic83,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1046,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1048, | |
20181115 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Intake Mitigation and Managed Intake |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Intake Mitigation and Managed IntakeSarah Boyd and Joe HellebrandThursday, November 15, 2018In this webcast, Brevard County Sheriff's Office Animal Shelter personnel Dr. Sarah Boyd and Joe Hellebrand let you in on the secret that Animal Control shelters can operate as no-kill. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1028,topic1033,topic1036,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20181101 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Saving Lives Through Transport Programs |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Saving Lives Through Transport ProgramsColleen HarringtonThursday, November 1, 2018Hear an overview of the key elements of a good transport program, transport best practices and how to get started on a lifesaving transport program that benefits not only the animals but the sending and receiving partners as well. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1033,topic1037,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20181011 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Believe in Saving Lives |
Million Cat Challenge: Believe in Saving LivesKaren SheppardThursday, October 11, 2018How changing communication approaches, implementing strong programs, and the power of belief all came together to save cats' lives in Huntsville's municipal shelter. |
e,s | topic1004,topic1007,topic1020,topic1023,topic1024,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1040,topic1044,topic1048, | cats |
20180329 | Video | video | Venturing Past 90: Who are the Last 10% of Dogs and How Do You Save Them? |
Venturing Past 90: Who are the Last 10% of Dogs and How Do You Save Them?Mike Kaviani and Marian CannellMarch 2018What should your shelter/community expect when you're ready to push past 90%? Come learn about "the last 10 percent", and the programs that are saving the dogs that have historically been deemed unsaveable. |
e,f,p,s | topic32,topic37,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic51,topic97,topic53,topic52,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1020,topic1023,topic1038,topic1043,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | dogs |
20160728 | Presentation | presentation | No-Kill Strategies: Community and Shelter Policies that Work |
No-Kill Strategies: Community and Shelter Policies that WorkJuly 2016Hear about successful community building policies that resulted in 90% save rates. |
e,s | topic37,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic95,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, |