Date | Type | Icon | Title | Title | Audience | topicslookup | species |
20191027 | Article | article | Playing with Your Dog- Part One |
Playing with Your Dog- Part OneAugust 2019Who doesn't like to play? Dogs play because it's fun, but it also helps them to develop coordination, strength, and confidence. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191024 | Article | article | What To Do If Your New Dog Is Aggressive |
What To Do If Your New Dog Is AggressiveAugust 2019Aggression is a form of communication. Keep pets and people safe by preventing aggression from occurring. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191024 | Article | article | What to Do if Your New Dog Won't Eat |
What to Do if Your New Dog Won't EatAugust 2019For the first day or two after arriving at a new home, a dog may not eat. Lack of appetite can have multiple causes, such as environmental change, stress, depression, illness, food allergy or a change in food. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1018,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191024 | Article | article | Why Train Your Dog? |
Why Train Your Dog?August 2019Training your dog to respond to cues establishes a common language that will help you communicate with your dog. Having a common language will make it easier for you both to bond. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Say Please |
Teaching Your Dog to Say PleaseAugust 2019A dog who sits every time they want something (e.g. attention from people) is much easier to live with than a dog that hasn't learned to say please and jumps up or barks when they want something. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Settle |
Teaching Your Dog to SettleAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to settle down and be quiet when you cue them to "settle". With this cue, your dog can readjust their body but must stay lying down in one place. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Sit |
Teaching Your Dog to SitAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to put their rear end on the floor when asked to "sit". |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Touch |
Teaching Your Dog to TouchAugust 2019Goal: The cue "touch" (hand targeting) directs your dog to target your palm with their nose. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Walk on a Loose Leash |
Teaching Your Dog to Walk on a Loose LeashAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog how to change their stride to stay close to you on a loose leash without pulling. It will take time, patience, and consistency. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Dog - The Right Rewards |
Dog - The Right RewardsAugust 2019Reward-based training is humane, fun and helps you build a communication style with your dog. Reward based training also bonds your dog more closely to you and your family. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191023 | Article | article | Ways To Train Your Dog |
Ways To Train Your DogAugust 2019The best way to train your dog is by using humane methods that focus on rewarding dogs for good behavior. Here are few ways to train without pain or fear. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | How to Handle the Leash |
How to Handle the LeashAugust 2019A leash is a great management and training aid for your dog. The leash keeps your dog safe, preventing your dog from running away from you and into traffic, chasing other dogs and small animals, and jumping on people. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Reducing Stress During Handling |
Reducing Stress During HandlingAugust 2019Some dogs might like to be petted, but get stressed when you try to brush them, clean their ears, and/or hold their paws. Be patient with your new dog and teach them how to feel safe around you. |
f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Reducing Your Dog's Stress |
Reducing Your Dog's StressAugust 2019Review Assessing Your Dog's Stress for behavioral and body language indicators of stress. You can help your dog by modifying the environment slightly and the way you and others behave around them to help them cope with stress. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1015,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Scent Games for Dogs |
Scent Games for DogsAugust 2019Dogs rely on their sense of smell to identify the world. Imagine how much fun you and your dog will have if you encourage your dog to find stuff you need or a game to keep them occupied. |
topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | ||
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog To Stay |
Teaching Your Dog To StayAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to remain in a sit, down or stand with the cue "stay." When and where to use "stay". |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called |
Teaching Your Dog to Come When CalledAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to come close to you when you give the cue "come." |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Down |
Teaching Your Dog to DownAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog lie down on the ground when you give the cue "down." |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Go to Bed or Mat |
Teaching Your Dog to Go to Bed or MatAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog how to go to their bed or mat and lie down. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191021 | Article | article | Teaching Your Dog to Leave It |
Teaching Your Dog to Leave ItAugust 2019Goal: Teach your dog to ignore things you don't want them to have or pay attention to with the cue "leave it." |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191018 | Article | article | Introducing Your New Dog to Your Dogs |
Introducing Your New Dog to Your DogsAugust 2019Dog relationships are like people relationships. Some dogs will become playmates, others will enjoy the companionship of another dog and others just aren't interested in other dogs. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191018 | Article | article | Playing with Your Dog- Part Two |
Playing with Your Dog- Part TwoAugust 2019Playing is fun, but it can also relieve stress, provide exercise, teach self-control and instill confidence. Follow the tips below to encourage your dog to play. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1016,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191018 | Article | article | Preparing Your Home for a New Dog |
Preparing Your Home for a New DogAugust 2019Before bringing a dog home, prepare carefully. There's much to consider, including what rules to set for your new dog, what equipment you'll need and what questions to ask the shelter/rescue group, foster coordinator or your veterinarian. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191017 | Article | article | Introducing Your Dog to New Dogs |
Introducing Your Dog to New DogsAugust 2019Introductions between your new dog and unfamiliar dogs can be easy, but other times it may be challenging. The best results come from being slow and careful. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191017 | Article | article | Introducing Your New Dog to People |
Introducing Your New Dog to PeopleAugust 2019If your dog enjoys meeting new people, follow the tips below to help those greetings be successful. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191011 | Article | article | Improving How Your Dog Responds to Cues |
Improving How Your Dog Responds to CuesAugust 2019Incorporate the 3 D's (distractions, distance and duration) into training each cue into a well trained behavior. Here are ways you can help your dog learn how to respond to cues the way you want them to! |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191009 | Article | article | Getting to Know Your New Dog - Part 2 Expanding Your New Dog's Horizons |
Getting to Know Your New Dog - Part 2 Expanding Your New Dog's HorizonsAugust 2019Once your new dog is comfortable with your home and family, you can begin to slowly introduce them to new people and environments. Always pay attention to your dog's body language, as new experiences can sometimes be stressful. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191009 | Article | article | Helping Your Dog Adjust to a New Home |
Helping Your Dog Adjust to a New HomeAugust 2019Your new dog might need a few weeks to months to completely adjust to their new home, depending on the new environment and the dog's personality. This is normal - it's important for you to respond appropriately and help your new dog adjust. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1015,topic1017,topic1029,topic1034, | dogs |
20191001 | Article | article | Children and Dogs - How to Keep Interactions Safe |
Children and Dogs - How to Keep Interactions SafeAugust 2019Children and dogs can be great, lifelong friends, but it is up to us as their guardians to keep their interactions safe. Children may not be able to read a dog's stressed body language, and injuries can occur. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018, | dogs |
20191001 | Article | article | Dogs Riding in Cars - Safe Transport |
Dogs Riding in Cars - Safe TransportAugust 2019Many dogs need time to get used to car rides; it should be done slowly and carefully. Here are some tips for traveling safely. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | dogs |
20191001 | Article | article | Food-Dispensing Toys for Dogs |
Food-Dispensing Toys for DogsAugust 2019By offering your dogs meals in a food-dispensing toy, your dog has something to play with, instead of your furniture or favorite shoes and they get exercise. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017, | dogs |
20190926 | Article | article | Crate Training Your Dog or Puppy |
Crate Training Your Dog or PuppyAugust 2019Crate training can help your dog in many ways, such as providing them with a safe place to rest when unsupervised, keeps them from chewing human belongings, and aids in potty training. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | dogs |
20190917 | Article | article | Cat Pheromones |
Cat PheromonesAugust 2019Cats communicate through natural messages released in the air called pheromones. Pheromones for cats are commercially available and can have many positive behavioral and physiological effects. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1015,topic1017, | cats |
20190917 | Article | article | Reducing Outdoor Stressors for Indoor Cats |
Reducing Outdoor Stressors for Indoor CatsAugust 2019Seeing the outdoors can be entertaining and engaging for an indoor cat, or it may cause stress. Because even the sight of another cat, when not properly addressed, can evolve into serious problems, it is important to assess and tackle any change in your cat's behavior right away. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017, | cats |
20190917 | Article | article | Cats and Kids |
Cats and KidsAugust 2019Cats can greatly enrich your children's lives and teach them many valuable lessons about the human-animal bond. There are a few things to consider to make this endeavor a success for your family as well as for your cat, and to ensure happy and safe interactions for all. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1015,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190917 | Article | article | Assessing Your Dog's Stress |
Assessing Your Dog's StressAugust 2019It's important to recognize signs of stress in your new dog as you get to know them. Some dogs will adjust to stressful situations more easily than others. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190917 | Article | article | Dog - Basic Training - Level 1 |
Dog - Basic Training - Level 1August 2019Basic Dog Training - Level 1 |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1017,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | dogs |
20190916 | Article | article | Adopting a Fearful Cat |
Adopting a Fearful CatAugust 2019Most cats are fearful at first in a new environment and will adjust in time. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190916 | Article | article | Cat - Hiding Behavior |
Cat - Hiding BehaviorAugust 2019Hiding behavior can be a normal in cats and give them a sense of security. Cats can hide to rest, to enjoy their favorite spot, or if they are scared. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1017, | cats |
20190916 | Article | article | Keeping Your Cat Happy Indoors |
Keeping Your Cat Happy IndoorsAugust 2019It is important to provide enrichment for cats living indoors. Enrichment makes the indoors more exciting and provides an outlet for excessive energy. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1016,topic1017, | cats |
20190916 | Article | article | Should I Let my Cat Outside? |
Should I Let my Cat Outside?August 2019Indoor cats and outdoor cats encounter different challenges and risks. Whatever your choice is, it's important to keep your cat healthy and safe. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190916 | Article | article | How Can I Keep Cats Out of My Yard? |
How Can I Keep Cats Out of My Yard?August 2019Seeing the outdoors can be entertaining and engaging for an indoor cat, or it may cause stress. If you only have one indoor cat, observe carefully to see if unfamiliar outdoor cats are visible and causing them stress. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1006,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190913 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward a Dog when Outdoors |
Cat Aggression Toward a Dog when OutdoorsAugust 2019Aggression toward a dog when being outdoors can be a normal survival response. However, always take any aggressive episodes seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190913 | Article | article | Cat - Afraid of Anything New |
Cat - Afraid of Anything NewAugust 2019Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190913 | Article | article | Cat - Afraid of Noises |
Cat - Afraid of NoisesAugust 2019Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190913 | Article | article | Introducing Your Cat to New People |
Introducing Your Cat to New PeopleAugust 2019Have a plan in place for when you have visitors and want them to meet your cat. Make sure to balance your guest's enthusiasm with your cat's needs. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017, | cats |
20190913 | Article | article | Introducing Cats and Dogs |
Introducing Cats and DogsAugust 2019With time, many cats and dogs can live together in peace. The key is to have carefully managed introductions. Don't rush your pets into anything that they are not comfortable with. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | |
20190913 | Article | article | Introducing Cats to Other Cats |
Introducing Cats to Other CatsAugust 2019Some cat-to-cat introductions go smoothly, while others may take weeks or months before the cats co-exist with each other. The best way to do this is to go as slowly as necessary, and make every interaction a positive one. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190913 | Article | article | Introducing Cats and Kids |
Introducing Cats and KidsAugust 2019The first few days in a new home are often quite stressful for any cat and, on the other hand, very exciting for a child! Make sure to balance your child's enthusiasm for spending time with your kitty with their need for adjustment and alone time. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017, | cats |
20190913 | Article | article | Helping a Shy or Fearful Cat Adjust to Your Home |
Helping a Shy or Fearful Cat Adjust to Your HomeAugust 2019Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. Be proactive in managing your cat's fearfulness or shyness. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190912 | Article | article | Cat - Fear of New People |
Cat - Fear of New PeopleAugust 2019Fear of unfamiliar people is common and can be seen in all cats. Cats may need some time to adjust to a new home and new people. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190912 | Article | article | Cat - Afraid of Children |
Cat - Afraid of ChildrenAugust 2019Children can be overwhelming to cats. Fear in the presence of children is common. However, if fear isn't addressed, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190912 | Article | article | Cat - Afraid of New Dogs |
Cat - Afraid of New DogsAugust 2019Fear of an unfamiliar dog is common, but can be a symptom of an underlying problem. Always take it seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190912 | Article | article | Cats - Afraid of Familiar Cats |
Cats - Afraid of Familiar CatsAugust 2019Fear of other cats in the household can be a normal and adaptive behavior, but can lead to more serious problems. Always take it seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017, | cats |
20190912 | Article | article | Cats - Afraid of New Cats |
Cats - Afraid of New CatsAugust 2019Fear of unfamiliar cats can be a normal and adaptive behavior, but can lead to more serious problems. Always take it seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190911 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression when Disturbed by a Cat while Resting or Sleeping |
Cat - Aggression when Disturbed by a Cat while Resting or SleepingAugust 2019Aggression toward another cat when disturbed while sleeping can be a normal startle or even survival response. However, always take any aggressive episodes seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190911 | Article | article | Why is My Cat Afraid of Me? |
Why is My Cat Afraid of Me?August 2019A newly adopted or fostered cat, or even a cat that has been in the home for a while, can be scared of you for various reasons. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190911 | Article | article | Cats Who Are Afraid of People They Know |
Cats Who Are Afraid of People They KnowAugust 2019Some cats behave fearfully even in the presence of familiar people. They may feel scared if they can't get away from the person when being approached. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190910 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression when Chased by a Cat |
Cat - Aggression when Chased by a CatAugust 2019Aggression toward another cat when being chased can be normal survival behavior or it can be a symptom of an underlying problem. However, always take aggressive episodes seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190910 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression Toward Dogs During Play |
Cat - Aggression Toward Dogs During PlayAugust 2019Play between cats and dogs can be fun for both species. However, cats that have not been socialized with dogs from an early age will almost always behave defensively. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1016,topic1018, | cats |
20190910 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression During Play with Other Cats |
Cat - Aggression During Play with Other CatsAugust 2019When dealing with aggression between two cats that appear to be playing, it is important to understand that play behavior is natural, especially in kittens. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190910 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression when Disturbed by a Dog while Resting or Sleeping |
Cat - Aggression when Disturbed by a Dog while Resting or SleepingAugust 2019Aggression towards a dog when disturbed while sleeping can be a normal startle or even a survival response. However, always take any aggressive episodes seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1018, | cats |
20190909 | Article | article | Cat Aggression When Approached By People |
Cat Aggression When Approached By PeopleAugust 2019Cats don't speak our language, so often aggression is the only way they can communicate to us that they are uncomfortable. Fear is the most common reason for aggression./p> |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190909 | Article | article | Managing Fear Aggression in Cats |
Managing Fear Aggression in CatsAugust 2019Fear is a debilitating feeling and can lead to very serious behavioral issues in cats. It is an underlying reason for aggression and always needs to be taken seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190909 | Article | article | Cat Aggression when Approached by a Dog |
Cat Aggression when Approached by a DogAugust 2019Aggression towards a dog when approached can be a normal survival response. However, always take it seriously as it can lead to serious fights and injuries. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190909 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression when Reprimanded |
Cat - Aggression when ReprimandedAugust 2019
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190909 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression when Chased by a Dog |
Cat - Aggression when Chased by a DogAugust 2019Aggression towards a dog when being chased can be a normal survival response. However, always take aggressive episodes seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190906 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward New Cats |
Cat Aggression Toward New CatsAugust 2019Aggression between unfamiliar cats most frequently occurs when introducing new cats in a home, or if unfamiliar cats appear outside your home. |
f,p,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1018,topic1033, | cats |
20190906 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward New Dogs |
Cat Aggression Toward New DogsAugust 2019Aggression toward a new dog can lead to serious injuries to the dog, but also to the cat and should always be taken seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190906 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression when Touched or Petted |
Cat - Aggression when Touched or PettedAugust 2019When cats display aggression when touched or petted, it can stem from many different motivations. It always needs to be taken seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190906 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression when Brushed or Groomed |
Cat - Aggression when Brushed or GroomedAugust 2019When cats display aggression when brushed or groomed, it can stem from many different motivations. It always needs to be taken seriously. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190906 | Article | article | Cats - Overstimulation |
Cats - OverstimulationAugust 2019Many cats exhibit overstimulation or petting-induced aggression. Cats vary enormously as to the extent and duration to which they like petting or handling. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190906 | Article | article | Grooming an Aggressive Cat |
Grooming an Aggressive CatAugust 2019It is very important to be cautious when grooming an aggressive cat. Injuries from scratching or biting can be severe and serious. |
f,p,s | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190830 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward Caretaker |
Cat Aggression Toward CaretakerAugust 2019It is important to understand why cats act aggressively toward us and address it so that the relationship between you and your cat can start to blossom. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1018, | cats |
20190830 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward Familiar People |
Cat Aggression Toward Familiar PeopleAugust 2019It is important to address aggression towards family members early. Even mild forms of aggression, when not properly addressed, can evolve into serious aggression. |
topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | cats | |
20190830 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward New People |
Cat Aggression Toward New PeopleAugust 2019Many cats are not comfortable around strangers, or certain strangers in the home. Aggression is a serious behavioral issue in cats and is a symptom of an underlying problem. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190830 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward Children |
Cat Aggression Toward ChildrenAugust 2019It is very important to ensure happy and safe interactions between kids and cats. Cat aggression towards children is particularly dangerous. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190830 | Article | article | Cat Aggression Toward Familiar Cats |
Cat Aggression Toward Familiar CatsAugust 2019Aggression between cats who live together is fairly common. Some fights are obvious, and some can lead to serious injury. Other fights are more subtle, and you may not immediately notice them happening. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190829 | Article | article | How Can I Stop My Cat From Meowing Too Much? |
How Can I Stop My Cat From Meowing Too Much?August 2019Cats can learn to communicate with us, just as we learn to communicate with them. Cats meow or vocalize to get our attention, or express discomfort or pain. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190829 | Article | article | Continuous Meowing or Vocalization |
Continuous Meowing or VocalizationAugust 2019Each cat has their own personality. Some cats are more vocal than others, and most cats can learn to vocalize to communicate with humans. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1011,topic1012,topic1014,topic1015,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190829 | Article | article | Cats - Destructive Scratching |
Cats - Destructive ScratchingAugust 2019Cats are loved for their companionship, playfulness, and fun they provide to a home. However, when people and cats live together, some natural feline behaviors can lead to destruction of property and injury to guardians. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1011,topic1012,topic1015,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190828 | Article | article | Cat - Aggression During Play |
Cat - Aggression During PlayAugust 2019The term "play aggression" can be misleadingas it can lookslike intense playand occur in cats of any age. Cats with play aggression can target other cats, dogs,or even people in the household. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1005,topic1011,topic1012,topic1016,topic1017,topic1018, | cats |
20190828 | Article | article | Playing With Your Cat |
Playing With Your CatAugust 2019Play isn't just for kittens; adult cats enjoy play too! Play strengthens your bond with your cat and provides them with needed mental stimulation and physical exercise. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1011,topic1012,topic1013,topic1016,topic1017, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Bringing Your New Cat Home |
Bringing Your New Cat HomeAugust 2019Introducing a cat into a new home can be easy or extremely stressful. A cat's normal reaction to a new place can be to run and hide. Others are curious about the new home right away and want to explore as soon as they exit the carrier. If the cat is allowed to adapt to a new environment at her own speed, everything generally works out. Some cats take minutes or hours; other will take days, weeks, or even months to get comfortable. The length of time needed to adjust to a new territory will depend on the cat's temperament, past experiences, and whether there are other animals present. A normal adjustment period usually takes one to two weeks. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1017,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Cat Not Urinating |
Cat Not UrinatingAugust 2019If you don't find urine in the litter box there can be a few reasons, and we will help you trouble shoot. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |
20190822 | Article | article | Coughing in Cats |
Coughing in CatsAugust 2019An occasional cough can be normal for a cat, actually helping clear the airway. If your cat's coughing is mild and there are no other symptoms such as nasal discharge or lethargy, monitoring him/her for the next couple of days may be all that is needed. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1004,topic1007,topic1011,topic1012,topic1018,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034, | cats |