Date | Type | Icon | Title | Title | Audience | topicslookup | species |
20200331 | Webcast | webcast | Million Cat Challenge: Spay/Neuter in the COVID Era |
Million Cat Challenge: Spay/Neuter in the COVID EraDr. Julie Levy and Aimee St. ArnaudMarch 31, 2020In this Covid era, we're told to be #SaferAtHome to avoid overloading the human healthcare system. What does that mean for spay/neuter programs? |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1010,topic1033, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | What Do We Do About Our Long Stays? |
What Do We Do About Our Long Stays?Sarah Aguilar, Deputy Director, Pima Animal CareApril 2020Learn how to analyze length-of-stay data and know what to do with it. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1028,topic1033,topic1038, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake & Animal Flow Process |
The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake & Animal Flow ProcessJordana Moerbe, Faith Wright and Dr. Nipuni RatnayakaApril 2020Join American Pets Alive! as they discuss what should happen within the first 72 hours after an animal enters any sheltering system. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1039,topic1048, | |
20200228 | Presentation | presentation | The Future of Animal Shelter Data |
The Future of Animal Shelter DataKristen Hassen- Auerbach, Sarah Aguilar and Elena BattlesApril 2020As sheltering evolves, we face an evolving set of challenges. Learn what experts in the field of animal shelter data collection are suggesting. |
e,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20190719 | Video | video | Decreasing Intake with Targeted Community Engagement |
Decreasing Intake with Targeted Community EngagementJuly 19, 2019Watch how the Austin Animal Center used their intake data to find ways to reduce ever-increasing incoming strays. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1028,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Basic Principles of Managing a Large-Scale Animal Emergency or Disaster |
Basic Principles of Managing a Large-Scale Animal Emergency or DisasterDick Green, Senior Director of Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019This workshop discusses the basic principles of incident management and why having everyone speak the same language and be under the same incident command structure saves lives. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1011,topic1014,topic1018,topic1020,topic1026,topic1029,topic1033, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Capacity for Care & Population Management |
Capacity for Care & Population ManagementLena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice), Clinical Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine, Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program, Cornell University College of Veterinary MedicineJuly 2019In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your potential as a life-saving organization by understanding your limits and expanding your expectations. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1029,topic1033,topic1034,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190712 | Presentation | presentation | Innovations in Emergency Animal Sheltering |
Innovations in Emergency Animal ShelteringJoe Hinkle, CAWA, Shelter Director, Field Investigations & Response, ASPCAJuly 2019In this session, the presenter discusses lessons learned and best practices from recent ASPCA emergency shelters with an emphasis on what your agency should be doing now to prepare for setting up and staffing an emergency shelter. This presentation was recorded at the 2019 ASPCA Maddie's® Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference. |
e,f,s,v | topic1001,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1011,topic1024,topic1026,topic1029,topic1033,topic1038,topic1048, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Turbocharging Pet Adoptions |
Turbocharging Pet AdoptionsSue Cosby, Senior Director, Best Friends Animal SocietyMay 2019When it comes to our adoption process, we want to keep our animals safe and we want our adopters to tell their friends about the wonderful experience they had growing their family at our shelter. How do we know this is really working? |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1020,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20190521 | Presentation | presentation | Cultivating a Fostering Community |
Cultivating a Fostering CommunityKelly Duer, Foster Care Specialist, Maddie's Fund®May 2019In this presentation, you'll learn how to create a culture of fostering in your community and recruit the foster caregivers you need. |
e,f,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1007,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1023,topic1029,topic1033,topic1048, | |
20190515 | Webcast | webcast | A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal Shelters |
A Playbook Approach to Saving Lives in Animal SheltersDr. Sara PizanoWednesday, May 15, 2019In this webcast. Dr. Sara Pizano will walk you through the steps each shelter, whether public or private and regardless of resources, can take to help and save more cats and dogs. |
e,s | topic1001,topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1033,topic1034,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20190509 | Presentation | presentation | The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake and Animal Flow Process for Disease Prevention |
The First 72 Hours: A Model Intake and Animal Flow Process for Disease PreventionFaith Wright, Ellen Jefferson DVM, Jordana Moerbe, Paula Medrano and Amelia NusbaumMarch 2019Join American Pets Alive! staff as they discuss an intake and animal flow process designed to help you prevent outbreaks and ensure live outcomes. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic37,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic57,topic80,topic83,topic1001,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Animal Protection Officers: Using a Community-based Approach to Measurably Reduce Intake in the Field |
Animal Protection Officers: Using a Community-based Approach to Measurably Reduce Intake in the FieldMark Sloat, Program Manager, Austin Animal Center and April Moore, Engagement Manager, Austin Animal CenterMarch 2019This session will teach approaches that value the human-animal bond, redefine 'animals in need,' and engage community members, shelter staff, and volunteers to solve problems together. |
e,s | topic1,topic15,topic18,topic19,topic25,topic32,topic37,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic105,topic1001,topic1028,topic1033,topic1005,topic1011,topic1019,topic1005,topic1011,topic1014,topic1004,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20190508 | Presentation | presentation | Bottle Baby 101 (Part 1 of 2) |
Bottle Baby 101 (Part 1 of 2)Casandra Mensing, Neonatal Ward Manager, Austin Pets Alive!March 2019This presentation will teach you how to start a volunteer-run bottle baby nursery and how to build it to become to be one of the most engaging and lifesaving programs in your community. |
s,v | topic3,topic25,topic30,topic37,topic47,topic50,topic95,topic57,topic83,topic1004,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20190430 | Presentation | presentation | Save Lives in Space Crises |
Save Lives in Space CrisesMichele Figueroa, Christi Metropole and Faith WrightMarch 2019Learn how to not end lives due to temporary space shortages by pulling other levers that will decrease the pressure that you feel. |
e,p,s | topic1,topic15,topic32,topic37,topic42,topic46,topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic50,topic86,topic89,topic90,topic93,topic97,topic1001,topic1033,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1046,topic1036,topic1044,topic1001,topic1003,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190430 | Article | article | Scrutinize and Market the Euthanasia List |
Scrutinize and Market the Euthanasia ListClare Callison, Canine Lifesaving Advisor, Maddie's® Lifesaving AcademyMarch 2019This talk explores why it's important to understand exactly which animals are dying in your municipal shelter and how to let people help you get them out alive. |
e,f,s | topic32,topic37,topic38,topic42,topic46,topic48,topic50,topic86,topic87,topic1024,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1038,topic1040, | |
20190430 | Presentation | presentation | The Pet Resource Center: A Better Alternative to the Intake Department |
The Pet Resource Center: A Better Alternative to the Intake DepartmentMark Sloat, April Moore and Bennett SimonsenMarch 2019How "The Pet Resource Center" is a modern model for a successful alternative to traditional intake centers. |
e,s | topic1,topic8,topic48,topic50,topic53,topic86,topic1001,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20190430 | Presentation | presentation | Transport Programs: Get Pets to Safety |
Transport Programs: Get Pets to SafetyClare Callison, Canine Lifesaving Advisor, Maddie's® Lifesaving AcademyMarch 2019Hear how your average "Texas brown dogs" are making a big splash in places as far as Oregon, Connecticut, and even Italy! |
e,s | topic2,topic15,topic16,topic24,topic50,topic86,topic1033,topic1033,topic1037,topic1033,topic1034,topic1038,topic1040,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20190429 | Presentation | presentation | High Volume Foster Programs for Cats and Dogs |
High Volume Foster Programs for Cats and DogsMonica Frenden, Regan Goins and Lorian EpsteinMarch 2019Learn how to rethink foster care in terms of capacity and expand the concept of what animals should be considered for foster. |
e,f,s | topic46,topic50,topic51,topic86,topic87,topic91,topic97,topic98,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1038,topic1040,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029, | cats |
20190426 | Presentation | presentation | Shelter Data: How to Get It, Use It and Read It |
Shelter Data: How to Get It, Use It and Read ItRory Adams, Executive Director, Tucson Pets Alive!March 2019This is an in-depth presentation on shelter data: how to get it, read it, and use it to influence change. |
e,s,v | topic37,topic48,topic50,topic86,topic87,topic88,topic1020,topic1021,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1038,topic1040,topic1038,topic1040, | |
20190415 | Presentation | presentation | Becoming No-kill |
Becoming No-killRyan Clinton, Attorney and Founder, FixAustin.orgMarch 2019Join attorney Ryan Clinton, founder of Fix Austin, as he kicks off the conference by sharing the obstacles, challenges, successes, and strategies that Austin faced on their journey to no-kill. |
e,s | topicabc69d60-cba0-42e6-bce1-33c405d8c58b,topic48,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044,topic1048, | |
20190415 | Presentation | presentation | Blueprint to a Successful No-kill Journey |
Blueprint to a Successful No-kill JourneyEllen Jefferson, DVM, Executive Director of Austin Pets Alive! and American Pets Alive!March 2019Join Dr. Ellen Jefferson as she guides you step-by-step through what are considered Best Practice metrics in outcomes, intakes, and the 12 programmatic ingredients of lifesaving. |
e,s,v | topic1,topic15,topic24,topic37,topic48,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic1001,topic1033,topic1038,topic1040,topic1020,topic1021,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20190415 | Presentation | presentation | How to Be the Boss of Your Organization's Save Rate |
How to Be the Boss of Your Organization's Save RatePaula Powell, Director, El Paso Animal Services and Lee Ann Shenefiel, South Central Regional Director, Best Friends SocietyMarch 2019In this session, you will learn what the Shelter Director's role is in stopping unnecessary death in the shelter, how to do it, and how to be successful. |
e,s | topic37,topic48,topic50,topic86,topic95,topic97,topic1020,topic1021,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047,topic1036,topic1044, | |
20190328 | Webcast | webcast | The Surprising Science of Meetings: Key Learnings and Implications for Shelter Success and You as Someone Who May Lead Meetings |
The Surprising Science of Meetings: Key Learnings and Implications for Shelter Success and You as Someone Who May Lead MeetingsSteven G. Rogelberg, PhD, Chancellor's Professor, University of North Carolina at CharlotteThursday, March 28, 2019This webcast delves into the research leading to an evidence-based path that will help you conduct a more productive meeting. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1040,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | Evolution of the Animal Welfare Movement |
Evolution of the Animal Welfare MovementJim Tedford, President and CEO, The Association for Animal Welfare AdvancementDecember 2018In this presentation, you will hear thoughts on how animal welfare is changing, from a veteran in animal welfare. |
e,p,s | topic37,topic42,topic48,topic50,topic52,topic53,topic86,topic105,topic1028,topic1020,topic1021,topic1024,topic1038,topic1039,topic1004,topic1010,topic1020,topic1023,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | The Role of Public Health in Animal Sheltering |
The Role of Public Health in Animal ShelteringJeanette O'Quin, DVM, MPH, Clinical Assistant Professor, Shelter Medicine and Veterinary Public Health, Ohio State University College of Veterinary MedicineDecember 2018This presentation discusses how sheltering practices in the U.S. are impacting public health internationally, in particular Ethiopia. |
e,p | topic8,topic24,topic32,topic36,topic40,topic50,topic57,topic86,topic87,topic105,topic1028,topic1038,topic1040,topic1024,topic1044,topic1046,topic1030,topic1031,topic1032,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1043,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1038,topic1040, | |
20181204 | Presentation | presentation | Transports Make Me Nervous! |
Transports Make Me Nervous!Holly Putnam, DVM, Director of Operations and Outreach, Shelter Outreach Services, Ithaca NYDecember 2018This presentation discusses best practices of transport programs and other tips to help minimize risk, while maximizing lifesaving. |
s,v | topic2,topic15,topic16,topic32,topic33,topic42,topic50,topic83,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic1033,topic1033,topic1037,topic1033,topic1034,topic1024,topic1024,topic1024,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20181115 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Intake Mitigation and Managed Intake |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Intake Mitigation and Managed IntakeSarah Boyd and Joe HellebrandThursday, November 15, 2018In this webcast, Brevard County Sheriff's Office Animal Shelter personnel Dr. Sarah Boyd and Joe Hellebrand let you in on the secret that Animal Control shelters can operate as no-kill. |
e,s,v | topic1004,topic1009,topic1010,topic1028,topic1033,topic1036,topic1038,topic1040,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1047,topic1048, | |
20181004 | Webcast | webcast | Lifesaving Webcast Series: Where are you with Lifesaving in your Shelter? Your Data is the Lifeline |
Lifesaving Webcast Series: Where are you with Lifesaving in your Shelter? Your Data is the LifelineDr. Mike GreenbergThursday, October 4, 2018Your data is a powerful tool for decision making. We partner with Shelter Animals Count and Humane Dash to bring you charts and graphs of your data, fast! |
e,f,s | topic1004,topic1010,topic1036,topic1038,topic1039,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044, | |
20170525 | Webcast | webcast | House Fewer Cats, Save More Lives, Make Everyone Happy! |
House Fewer Cats, Save More Lives, Make Everyone Happy!May 2017How to save more cats! |
e,s | topic50,topic1004,topic1010, | cats |
20160623 | Webcast | webcast | Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter Dogs |
Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter DogsDr. Sara L. BennettJune 2016 Everyone wants to make sheltered life better for dogs while they wait to get adopted. Learn what works and what doesn't in this webcast. |
e,s,v | topic2,topic17,topic22,topic50,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1013,topic1015,topic1004,topic1010, | dogs |
20160519 | Webcast | webcast | Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter Cats on a Fast Track to Adoption |
Stress Reduction: Happy and Healthy Shelter Cats on a Fast Track to AdoptionDr. Brenda GriffinMay 2016Stress can trigger physical, emotional and behavioral problems for cats in animal shelters. What can be done to help overcome stress and its negative outcomes? |
e,s,v | topic2,topic4,topic17,topic22,topic50,topic1005,topic1011,topic1016,topic1033,topic1034,topic1005,topic1011,topic1013,topic1015,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1010, | cats |
20150608 | Research | research | Community Pet Adoption Partnerships Survey Results: Stray Kitten Scenario |
Community Pet Adoption Partnerships Survey Results: Stray Kitten ScenarioJune 2015During the Summer of 2014, Maddie’s Institute® conducted a survey to assess strategies that may prevent animals from entering shelter facilities. One such strategy involves asking community members who bring in kittens to care for them until organizational resources are available or they are old enough to be placed for adoption. This report addresses the extent to which organizations encourage community member care, the frequency of community members who elect to provide care, how organizational resources link to involvement and more. |
e,f,p,s,v | topic1,topic25,topic30,topic37,topic46,topic47,topic50,topic51,topic90,topic91,topic92,topic97,topic98,topic99,topic105,topic1001,topic1028,topic1004,topic1004,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1004,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1036,topic1044,topic1004,topic1007,topic1029,topic1044,topic1045, | |
20150505 | Webcast | webcast | Removing Barriers to Adoption: How Evidence, Innovation and Compassion Grow Pet Adoptions |
Removing Barriers to Adoption: How Evidence, Innovation and Compassion Grow Pet AdoptionsCynthia D. Delany and Kelly LeeMay 2015Because people in animal welfare often see terrible things befall pets, and because of genuine concern for the animals, we've sometimes gone overboard in terms of regulating, requiring, constraining, screening and even getting in the way of successful adoptions. |
e,s | topic2,topic3,topic4,topic5,topic6,topic7,topic12,topic13,topic14,topic15,topic50,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1010,topic1033,topic1034, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Achieving and Sustaining No-kill in a Medium-sized, Open Admission Shelter |
Achieving and Sustaining No-kill in a Medium-sized, Open Admission ShelterCheryl SchneiderFebruary 2015Learn how Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter in Texas, an open admission shelter, started on their path to no-kill and how they continue to achieve a high save rate every month. |
e | topic1,topic2,topic37,topic38,topic50,topic95,topic1001,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1009,topic1044,topic1047, | |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Medical Treatment for Cats on a Shoestring Budget |
Medical Treatment for Cats on a Shoestring BudgetEllen Jefferson, DVM, and Jordana MoerbeFebruary 2015Austin Pets Alive! Medical Clinic treats thousands of cats a year, many who are straight off of the euthanasia list because of medical conditions such as feline leukemia, FIV, renal disease, hepatic lipidosis, skin problems, viral diseases, and trauma. They save them all and this session is about how they do it. |
e,s,v | topic24,topic25,topic28,topic37,topic41,topic50,topic57,topic58,topic79,topic86,topic88,topic1038,topic1040,topic1004,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1020,topic1021,topic1008,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1038,topic1040, | cats |
20150220 | Presentation | presentation | Rescuing Cats from the Euthanasia List |
Rescuing Cats from the Euthanasia ListFrances Flower, PhDFebruary 2015Learn how to create a sustainable rescue program that relies solely on volunteers to assess cats on the euthanasia list and save the most lives it can that are out of other options for a live outcome. |
e,p,s | topic1001,topic1002,topic1004,topic1006,topic1008,topic1009,topic1010,topic1020,topic1021,topic1033,topic1034,topic1035,topic1036,topic1038,topic1041,topic1042,topic1044,topic1045,topic1047, | cats |
20120701 | Presentation | presentation | Lifesaving Intake Protocols and Preventive Health Care Strategies |
Lifesaving Intake Protocols and Preventive Health Care StrategiesElizabeth Berliner, DVM, MAJuly 2012Intake procedures and ongoing activities designed to protect shelter animal health and wellness. |
e,f,s,v | topic1,topic50,topic57,topic83,topic84,topic1001,topic1004,topic1010,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1004,topic1008,topic1009,topic1047, |