Video Length: 45 minutes
In Return-to-Field (RTF) programs, healthy neighborhood cats are sterilized, vaccinated and returned to the location of origin as an alternative to euthanasia. RTF has been a powerful force for feline lifesaving in communities all across the country. Shelters have seen dramatic decreases in feline intake and equally dramatic increases in live release rates.
What does implementing those programs look like from a "boots on the ground" animal control officer perspective? How do RTF programs really work, when you get down to the nitty gritty?
Join Tim Reeder, Animal Services Officer for the City of Huntsville, AL, as he presents Return-to-Field from an Animal Control Officer's Perspective.He'll be taking attendees beyond theory and examining:
Tim Reeder is an Animal Services Officer who has worked in the animal services field for 30 years at the City of Huntsville Animal Services in Huntsville, Alabama. In April 2014, Officer Reeder became a crucial participant in Huntsville Animal Services Return-To-Field community cat program. He has continued his training through the Alabama Animal Control Association in the areas of animal cruelty, wildlife and state and local animal laws throughout the years.