Video Length: 40 minutes
FIV, Feline Leukemia, renal failure, elderly, chronically ill, behaviorally challenged. Every rescue struggles with getting 'special needs' cats adopted. The majority of cats taken in by Austin Pets Alive! would be considered 'special needs' by most shelter standards, but APA! believes these are lives worth saving and has shown they can be adopted. Learn how to place special needs cats through innovative programs, marketing, and adopter support to help you leave no cat left behind! Objectives - Viewers will learn about programs and incentives that help special cats find special homes, marketing special needs cats, and how to keep them in their homes should problems arise. This presentation was recorded at the 2016 American Pets Alive! Conference.
Monica Frenden noticed the stark lack of resources for community cats in rural Illinois and decided to do something about it so she founded a trap-neuter-return organization that sterilized thousands of cats. To further reduce unnecessary euthanasia, she pioneered one of the nation's first and largest barn cat programs. In 2012, Monica moved to Texas and joined Austin Pets Alive! where she serves as Cat Program Manager. Since 2012, Monica has led her team to a 40% growth in cat adoptions, helped Austin achieve a citywide 98% live release rate for cats, and oversees the adoption and care of nearly 4,000 cats each year.