Confused about navigating FeLV and FIV in shelter cats? This free, pop-up webinar is designed to bring you au courant in less than 30 minutes. Guidelines just released by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) provide streamlined, shelter-specific algorithms for screening, vaccination, and management.
Find out how a new FeLV test provides not just diagnosis, but also prognostic clues about long-term survival and how FIV+ cats are safely mingling with uninfected cats. But most importantly, you'll be witness to a new tide of optimism and positive outcomes for shelter cats diagnosed with either of these retroviruses.
Want to learn more? All of your questions and more can be answered in these new resources. You can find them the Related links section of this page.
This webcast has been approved for 30 minutes of CAWA CE credit. Please visit https://bit.ly/NewAAFPFeLVFIVGuidelines to verify you have watched the webcast and to print your certificate of attendance.
A recording of the webcast is now available to view by registering below.
Dr. Julie Levy is Professor of Shelter Medicine Education at the University of Florida, where she focuses on the health and welfare of animals in shelters, feline infectious diseases, and humane alternatives for cat population control, including contraceptive vaccines for cats. Dr. Levy co-founded Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program at the College of Veterinary Medicine, an educational and discovery initiative with a global impact on the care of homeless animals, Operation Catnip, a nonprofit university-based community cat spay/neuter program that has sterilized more than 50,000 cats in Gainesville, Florida since 1998, and the Million Cat Challenge, a shelter-based campaign to save a million cats in five years. For the past two years, Dr. Levy has collaborated with Austin Pets Alive! to better understand diagnosis, management, and outcomes in FeLV+ shelter cats.