November 16, 2015
Sharon Fletcher, Director of Marketing & Communications
Patty Stanton, Board of Directors
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., November 16, 2015 - Happening Now! In celebration of Adopt-A-Senior-Pet Month, Maddie's Fund® is spotlighting Muttville Senior Dog Rescue through its live stream MaddieCam! From anywhere in the world, viewers can tune in and see what is happening in their doggy loft and experience virtually what it's like to hang out with an amazing senior dog, or two. Mary Ippoliti-Smith of Maddie's Fund Executive Leadership Team says, "We are delighted to utilize technology and provide this platform to spotlight and extend lifesaving."
Muttville's programming schedule will vary, so feel free to just open a browser and watch all day and night. Viewers might catch Maple snoozing, Teddy getting some love from a volunteer, Johnny soaking in the rays or Autumn just watching the goings-on! What's that sound? Ahh, it's Frank Sinatra or Michael Buble' crooning to senior set. "We are thankful to Maddie and Maddie's Fund for providing this broadcast which helps highlight our programs," says Sherri Franklin, Muttville's Executive Director. She continued, "And if the spirit moves you, come on down and meet one of these precious mutts in person. They are all available for adoption."
Program Schedule: November 16 - 22
- Monday - Friday every day at 1PM PT there will be an "Ask the Mutt" segment
The featured the dog will be featured in a short recorded video posted on Facebook and ask people to send in their question via social media, i.e. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. On the scheduled show time/day, viewers can ask "The Featured Mutt" their questions.
- Monday 11/16 at 4PM PT Cake & Champagne!
Birthday celebration! Muttville's veterinarian, Dr. Becky Rader, shares a birthday with one of our newest HQ dogs, Tinkerbell, a 12 year old Chihuahua who was abandoned at a Los Angeles shelter. Join Muttville as we celebrate new beginnings!
- Tuesday 11/17 6:30PM PT Dogs in the Loft
We will explore ways you can help your mutt into doga poses and we will adapt classic poses so the mutts can participate in your yoga practice!
- Wednesday 11/18 11:30AM PT Dogs on Desks!
Like a normal office... but with dogs! On desks!
- Friday 11/20 3PM PT Intake Story with Aubree Schmidt, Muttville's Manager of Mutts
- Saturday & Sunday 11/21 - 22 12-3PM PT Adoption Event!
Watch Muttville's open house on Love a Senior Weekend as people check out the senior dog that makes a good match for them! You'll see dogs being adopted and foster parents choosing a dog to foster in their own home. You'll witness new beginnings for dogs and the people that will love them!
About Maddie’s Fund
Maddie's Fund is a family foundation founded in 1994 by Workday® co-founder Dave Duffield and his wife, Cheryl, who have endowed the Foundation with more than $300 million. Since then, they have awarded more than $172 million in grants toward increased community lifesaving, shelter medicine education, and pet adoptions across the U.S. The Duffields named Maddie's Fund after their Miniature Schnauzer Maddie, who always made them laugh and comforted them during stressful business times when Dave was launching a startup software company. Maddie was with Dave and Cheryl from 1987-1997 and continues to inspire them today. Maddie's Fund is the fulfillment of a promise to an inspirational dog and the creation of a goal towards achieving a no-kill nation where all healthy and treatable shelter dogs and cats are guaranteed a loving home. #ThanksToMaddie #MaddieCam
About Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
Muttville is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving the lives of senior dogs, aged seven and older. Muttville's mission is to change the way the world thinks about and treats older dogs and to create better lives for them through rescue, foster, adoption and hospice. Locally, Muttville rescues senior dogs and finds them new homes or gives them hospice. On a global level, Muttville provides information about caring for older dogs and support for people who do. Through associations with shelters and other animal organizations, Muttville finds senior dogs that have been given up and are not likely to find adopted homes. #SeniorDogsRule #Muttville www.muttville.org