Laurie Peek, DVM
Executive Leadership Team

Serving on the Executive Leadership Team, Dr. Peek is a major force at Maddie's Fund®, overseeing Maddie's Education & Research and its programs, guiding decisions on veterinary school grants and guidelines, and advising foundation staff on veterinary-related issues. Dr. Peek's goal - to encourage veterinary schools to provide professional training and support to animal shelters and to inform them about new advances in shelter medicine - fits perfectly with the mission of Maddie's Fund. She has been affiliated with the foundation since its inception.
Dr. Peek has practiced small animal medicine and surgery since her graduation from Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine in 1996. In addition to her hands-on work helping animals feel better, she provides spay/neuter and adoption assistance to several animal welfare organizations in her community.
Dr. Peek and her family live in the Midwest with two Collies from a Collie rescue, Anna and Juno; three beloved "foster failure" cats, Skittles, Daquiri and Pursnickitty; an adopted English Spot rabbit, Lovey Hoppykins; and Lewi, a 30-year-old American Paint Horse.