Getting to a No-Kill Nation by 2015
Leading shelter directors and shelter medicine veterinarians explain the nuts and bolts of how to reach the no-kill nation goal. In these recordings, they provide step by step instruction on how to transition to an adoption guarantee organization, how to provide optimal flow-through in the shelter, and create robust foster, adoption, marketing and shelter medicine programs.
- Building a No-Kill Community
- Busting the Warehousing Myth
- How Shelter Medicine is Helping Create a No-Kill Nation
- Increasing Pet Adoptions
- Life Enrichment for Shelter Animals
- Moving to Adoption Guarantee
- The Next Challenge: Sustaining No-Kill Communities
Building a No Kill Community
May 2010
The path to no-kill is riddled with obstacles. Perhaps none are more difficult than your organization's own Board, staff and volunteers. Listen to the Charlottesville-Albermarle SPCA’s story.
Busting the Warehousing Myth
May 2010
Effective, ethical animal welfare organizations maximize the health and well-being of their shelter populations through good shelter medicine practices, robust foster and adoption programs, and creative marketing - all designed to get dogs and cats in and out of the shelter in a matter of days. Learn how it's done from some of the nation's most successful and resourceful leaders.
Crisis Care Management - 43 Puppies with Parvo Saved!
May 2012
Dealing with Parvo, a deadly and highly contagious virus, is scary – especially in an animal shelter with the continual influx of vulnerable animals. Watch this clip taken from Dr. Hanek’s presentation at HSUS’ EXPO 2012 and hear how PAWS Chicago managed a crisis of 43 puppies with parvovirus – at the same time!
Life Enrichment for Shelter Animals
May 2010
Enrichment for shelter animals reduces stress (and disease), increases adoptions and radically improves the well-being and quality of life for canine and feline residents.
Moving to Adoption Guarantee
May 2010
For a successful transition to adoption guarantee sheltering, start with strategic planning. Lay out a philosophy and be true to it. Incorporate the community and always ignore the naysayers.
The Next Challenge
May 2010
What do New York City and Tompkins County, New York have in common? While very different in size and demographic, each of these no-kill and adoption guarantee communities has met their unique challenges and is working to create sustainable systems for the future.