Video Length: 55:55
This session is meant to teach animal control officers tips and tricks for humanely handling even the stickiest situations with fearful and fractious animals - and wildlife, too - all with the goal of minimizing stress on the animals and officers.
This presentation was recorded by Maddie's Fund® at the 2020 American Pets Alive! Conference.
Most recently, April served as the Engagement Manager at Austin Animal Center. Prior to that, she was Animal Protection Supervisor with the Field Services Unit based at the Austin Animal Center for over 10 years. She played an integral role in helping the Animal Services Office become the nation's largest no-kill open-intake animal shelter by developing community policies and programs that promote lifesaving and connect community members with the resources needed to keep their pets safe and healthy. The Field Services Unit serves over one million residents in the Austin and Travis County area through response to over 30,000 calls for service, emergency response, neighborhood canvassing and outreach events. April has also been an instructor for Maddie's® Lifesaving Academy.
Over the last 10 years, Mike has been dedicated to animal welfare and public safety while reducing euthanasia and promoting responsible pet ownership laws in Cabot, Arkansas. Under Mike's management the city-operated, open-admission shelter takes in over 3,000 animals a year with a 2019 Live Release rate of 99% counting every animal the organization touches. His passion for animal welfare and public policy has driven him to his position of President of the Arkansas State Animal Control Association. In this capacity, he trains animals control officers and assists Animal Service Departments across the state write and implement new laws dedicated to higher standards for animal welfare and public safety. Mike's philosophy is one that is based on continuous learning in an ever-changing world. Mike has completed bachelor's degrees in Criminal Justice and Business Administration and holds a master's degree in Public Administration.