Video Length: 88 minutes
It's really smart to build your fundraising efforts around your strongest shots at success. This session will eliminate the mysteries behind effective fundraising. You will learn how to create a donor profile, where to find new donors, how to build trust, how often you should be in touch with your donors and when the time is right to ask donors for contributions. Also covered are knowing what messages to send, using outcome-based language and focusing on donor relevance. The presenter will wrap up the session with ways to measure success. This is a presentation from the 2015 Best Friends National Conference.
Sandy Rees, founder of GetFullyFunded, helps nonprofit leaders learn to raise all the money they need so they can spend more time changing lives and less time worrying about money. She has helped dozens of small nonprofits add six and seven figures to their bottom line, expanding their capacity to do good in the world. As a trainer, she shows her students how to find ideal donors, connect with them through authentic messaging, and build relationships that stand the test of time, so that fundraising becomes easy and predictable. Sandy is the author of "10K Fundraising for Animal Rescue” and the creator of a video training series for animal welfare nonprofits called "Sit. Stay. Give.” She writes the blog "Get Fully Funded” and her articles appear in a variety of magazines, e-zines and blog sites. Sandy is an accomplished presenter and a master trainer for the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Sandy lives with her family on a small farm in Loudon, Tennessee, with three horses, three cats and two dogs.