Organization: University of North Carolina
Investigator(s): Steven Rogelberg and Lea Williams
Grant Amount: None
Project Type: Phase 1
Project Status: Research Complete
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte worked with Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) to evaluate the implementation of a foster team. PAWS successfully implemented the program; their participation aided in further development of the foster team concept.
To Implement and evaluate a pilot foster team at Philly PAWS in Philadelphia, PA, in the hopes that this team model would make fostering more satisfying and less stressful for foster caregivers, while also allowing for PAWS to adopt out more animals in a shorter time span.
The project began with development of the foster team model and foster team implementation guide. The foster team was composed of four or more people and included a primary caregiver, bio writer, photographer, reserve foster caregiver and team coordinator.
The team successfully found homes for 3 dogs. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte learned from Philly PAWS' experience, which allowed them to revise and refine the foster team concept.
The pilot at Philly PAWS aided in further development of the foster team concept.