Video Length: 44 minutes
Passing well-crafted legislation can be a key way to change the world for companion animals. This session covers municipal and state-focused legislative topics including rescue-access laws, city No Kill mandates, banning the gas chambers and regulating puppy mills. This presentation was part of the American Pets Alive! 2015 No-Kill Conference.
Ryan Clinton is a Texas appellate attorney, a shareholder at the law firm Davis, Gerald & Cremer PC, and a former Texas Assistant Solicitor General. In 2005, Ryan founded FixAustin. org, an animal-advocacy organization aimed at making Austin a "No Kill” community. Ryan was recently named one of the top 25 attorneys in Texas under the age of 40 by Texas Lawyer, was named a "Super Lawyer" in appellate law in Texas Monthly magazine, and has ten times been named a "Rising Star" in appellate law in Texas Monthly magazine. He was also a 2009 recipient of the No Kill Advocacy Center's Henry Bergh Leadership Award. He is a frequent speaker on animal law and advocacy throughout the country.