October 3, 2019 by Lena DeTar, DVM, DACVPM, DABVP Assistant Clinical Professor, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

Audience: Shelter/Rescue Staff & Volunteers, Veterinary Team

Video Length: 61 Minutes

Does your shelter have protocols in place for your shelter population other than dogs and cats? These animals make up (on average) around 10% of most shelter's intakes, so having protocols and plans in place for the most common exotic animal intakes can save time, hassle, and promote welfare of these creatures.

In a free webcast co-presented by Maddie's Fund® and the Association of Shelter Veterinarians (ASV), Assistant Clinical Professor at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Dr. Lena DeTar will give practitioners of shelter medicine the tools they'll need to address the welfare, husbandry, and medical/surgical needs of small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians that may come into the shelter.

Topics covered include:

  • Identification of the species and type within species
  • Species-specific intake and flow-through
  • Husbandry considerations and protocols
  • Medical and surgical protocols
  • Case studies
  • Zoonoses
  • Exotic adoptions
  • Useful resources

This program has been approved by the AAVSB RACE program for 60 minutes of continuing education in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE approval. Please contact the AAVSB RACE program at [email protected] or 877-698-8482 should you have any comments/concerns regarding this program's validity or relevancy to the veterinary profession, or if you have questions regarding this notification.

This course has been pre-approved for 60 minutes of Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement.

Bio photo of Dr. Lena DeTar, smiling in a red gingham pattern shirt

About Lena DeTar

Before coming to Cornell, Dr. Lena DeTar completed a residency in Shelter Medicine at Oregon State University/Oregon Humane Society, a master's in veterinary medicine/public health at UF, and qualified as a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine.

Soon after moving to New York, she completed board certification in Shelter Medicine through the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. Her interests include infectious disease management and prevention, population management and metrics, elective and non-elective surgery, humane husbandry and shelter design, and shelter medicine instruction.

As part of her work with Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University, she can be seen advising shelter leadership, veterinarians and staff during program consultations, teaching clinical-year students and interns medicine and surgery at Tompkins County SPCA, and lecturing in the veterinary school classroom and at conferences nationwide. She's also involved in research projects investigating the epidemiology of infectious shelter disease, shelter medicine teaching, and HVHQ surgery.

Dr. DeTar has worked in and volunteered for humane organizations across the US and internationally, and appreciates the philosophical, financial and physical challenges faced by shelters everywhere as they try to promote animal welfare, public health and the human animal bond.