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No one in animal welfare or veterinary medicine can have missed the news about the outbreak of a new strain of canine influenza that hit Chicago and nearby communities in the last month. This is the first time this strain of the disease has been identified in the United States.
What does this outbreak mean for the dogs in your shelter?
Please join Maddie's Fund® and Dr. Sandra Newbury from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine and UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program as she presents What Animal Shelters Need to Know About the Canine Influenza Outbreak.
Attendees will learn:
This webcast is part of an ongoing series of educational programs from Maddie's Institute, a program of Maddie's Fund®, the nation's leading funder of shelter medicine education. Maddie's Institute brings cutting edge shelter medicine information from universities and animal welfare leaders to shelter veterinarians, managers and staff as well as private practice veterinarians, rescue groups and community members to increase the lifesaving of homeless dogs and cats community-wide.
Dr. Newbury is the new Director of the University of Wisconsin Shelter Medicine Program in Madison, WI and Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine in the School of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Medical Sciences.
Dr. Newbury helped build the Koret Shelter Medicine Program at the University of California, Davis from 2006 -2014. She also served six years on the Board of Directors of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians and was the Chair of the Shelter Standards Task Force.
Dr. Newbury "saves lives and stomps out disease!" by focusing on partnerships between shelters, veterinarians and the community to decrease shelter intake and improve health, welfare and positive outcomes for homeless animals. Her academic work has focused on clinical studies in infectious disease, immunology and population medicine to improve understanding of shelter animal health, disease response and animal welfare.
Dr. Newbury travels throughout the year working with shelters and communities of all kinds across the US, and in Canada, Europe and Australia. She and her son share their home in Madison with several minimally compliant and beloved pets.