Cats are Not Small Dogs: Changing the Shelter System to Save More Cats
March 2018
A shelter system that was built for dogs is still the model applied to cats. As a result, 70% of cats who enter our nation's shelters each year are killed. What changes do we need to make in our industry, in our programs, and in our communities to change this?
Community First: Alan Graham on Impact and Homelessness
March 2018
In this keynote address, Alan Graham, founder and CEO of Mobile Loaves & Fishes and the groundbreaking Community First! Village, discusses the issues surrounding human homelessness and how our human institutions are much like those for animals.
Creating and Growing a Dog Foster Network
March 2018
With a viable foster program it's possible to begin saving lives and transforming your community to no-kill, even if you don't have a shelter. Learn how to build a successful foster program that can grow with your organization.
Essentials of Saving Big Dogs
March 2018
Experts present the essential programs, best practices, and core philosophies needed to start saving the big dogs in your communities. Think of this presentation as the key ingredients needed to move towards and achieve 90% for your community's dogs.
Every Day, Every Dog - Let Them Play! The Impact of Play Groups
March 2018
It's more than just fun and games; play groups save lives! Aimee Sadler, Founder and CEO shares case studies and evidence that playgroups improve the quality of life of dogs and their caretakers.
Fighting Fungus: Treat, Foster And Adopt Cats And Kittens With Ringworm
March 2018
Tens of thousands of cats are euthanized each year solely because they have been diagnosed with ringworm. This workshop provides you with information on how to identify, house, and treat cats infected with ringworm.
Get Your Pit Bull-Type Dogs Adopted with the Canine Good Citizen Program
March 2018
Through a partnership with Best Friends Animal Society, Austin Pets Alive! embarked on a six-month pilot program to test the effectiveness of Canine Good Citizen Training on adoption rates. The results have been jaw-dropping!
High Volume Cat Foster Program
March 2018
Fosters often mean the difference between life and death for cats in the shelter. Austin Pets Alive's Cat Foster Manager discuss how to recruit foster homes, place cats in foster, and maintain a foster network.
How Austin Did It - Roadmap to Saving More Lives
March 2018
This presentation is designed to give you context about the obstacles, the challenges, the successes and the strategies that made Austin, TX the largest No Kill (counting all animals entering the shelter) City in America.
Hurricane Harvey- Dealing with Distemper in the Midst of a Crisis
March 2018
Contagious disease is always a threat to a shelter or rescue group but in the midst of a crisis, when you have make-shift housing and many hands in the pot, it can spread like wildfire.
Maddie's Idea Lab: Saving Lives and Spreading Good Ideas
March 2018
Maddie's® Idea Lab supports the implementation and assessment of innovative ideas that have a high likelihood of advancing lifesaving of dogs and cats, the utilization of foster care for dogs and cats or animal welfare leadership. Come to this lecture to find out what we've learned and how these ideas are saving lives.
Overcoming Obstacles: Wisdom of the Warrior with David Meyer
March 2018
How can you better motivate the public to take the actions you need them to take? David Meyer shows you how to use the subtle principles of Jiu Jitsu to build support and overcome obstacles in all aspects of life in this presentation.
Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation - Part 1
March 2018
Austin Pets Alive! (APA) has saved over 7,500 neonatal kittens since 2009. In this two-part presentation, you'll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. This is part one: How to start and build a bottle baby nursery
Saving All The Bottle Baby Kittens: From Nursery To Foster Presentation - Part 2
March 2018
Austin Pets Alive! (APA) has saved over 7,500 neonatal kittens since 2009. In this is a two-part presentation, you'll learn how to start and build a bottle baby nursery, plus how to create a foster network for neonates. This is part two: How to create a foster network for neonates.
Shelter Pet Marketing is Not Adoption Counseling
March 2018
Marketing is about putting your best foot forward. Since pets don't know how to market, they need you to be the savviest marketer around to save their lives and give people the opportunity to fall in love. Come learn what works!
Strategic Planning To No Kill - No Duplication Of Effort In Your Community Is Key
March 2018
This session is a step-by-step tutorial on focusing your work so that it is additive, not duplicative, or worse yet, inconsequential. We show you exactly how!
Venturing Past 90: Who are the Last 10% of Dogs and How Do You Save Them?
March 2018
What should your shelter/community expect when you're ready to push past 90%? Come learn about "the last 10 percent", and the programs that are saving the dogs that have historically been deemed unsaveable.